korang memang rawk !

Saturday 12 November 2011

exam --'

hallo hallo malaysia . assalamualaikum semua :) apa kaba tokrg tekk ? sihat x ? alhamdulillah .

okayokayy . now i just want to ask you all ? are you being nervous when you want to exam ? of course right . okay here i want to share with you all . what you must and why ?? okay .

1.    Use your revision time effectively. Prepare a revision time table.
(yer laaa.mesti la buat time table . kalo x buat huru hara di buat nyer . x cukup masa babe ! *alasan betol laa budah nihhh )

2.    When is your energy level the highest. This is the time to tackle the difficult bits.
 ( yerr laa. kalo buat yg mudah terlelap di buat nyer . kacang sngat tuu . kna la buat yg susah . mencabar sikit kannn )

3.    Do not postpone the difficult topics.
(jangan keja dok tanggoh2 nohh.x baek org tua2 kata tau.baik hang buat dulu apa yg patut . yg mudah sempoi2 tuu korang letak tepi dulu tapi jgn di abaikan laaa )

4.    Attend to routine things like tidying up, at low energy times of the day.
(kalo korang gi men puzzle n like sahibba boleh down tau takk . cuba buat aktiviti yg relax n yg mendamaikan jiwa raga korang tuuu )

5.    Do not just read. Make notes. In fact summarizing and condensing notes focuses your mind.
(kalo baca jerr mana nak masok nyer . masok tinga kiri kuar ah celah celah jari kaki kot . haha . take a note . and read back what you learn just now )

6.    Discuss topics, after having revised them, with your classmates.
(bincang an kawan2.buat study group kerr.jgn laa dok dalam bilik jerr.mcm katak bawah meja plak . hahaha )

7.    Use diagrammatic representation where ever possible. You may find this easier to retain.
(kna laa ada yg mencabar minda korang sikit kan . tak kan laa nak men suap yg mudah jer kottt )

8.    Take a 5 minutes break after every 40 minutes (Certainly after an hour!).
(rehat dulu baru sambong . korang kalo dok belaja memanjang x penat kerr . rilex laaa ambik nafas skjap )

9.    Take a longer break after every 3 hours of study.
(mcm kat atas plak kan . rehat oiii . tutup buku tuu. jalan g taman kaa. window shopping kerr.ehemmm ehemmm )

10.  Eat well.
(makan betol2 . yg berkhasiat tauu . jgn plak korang p makan ayam jerr . x baek makan bnyak2 ayam tau . nanti rupa pun mcm ayam. hahaha. kidding oke )

11.  Play some game when you find time. This helps you relax.
(ni yg best . kalo ada ps2 ker . ps3 ker . psp ker . korang bleh men . sjer nak lepaskan sgala stres yg melanda )

12.  Do your best during the revision.
(belaja2 betol jangan dok online plak . nak men henphone laaa )

13.  On the examination day, do not worry, even if you feel that you remember nothing! Give it your best shot, you will be able to recall once the questions are in front of you.
(always happen termasok zaza okay . nerves smpai lupa apa yg dah di belaja )

14.  Answer all questions. Ensure that you plan your time well during the examination.
(baca doa . rilex . baca betol soklan 2 3 kali okay . then baru la buat jawapan tapi jgn slalu sngat tuka2 jwpan kat paper exam x baek tauu . slalunya org kata jawapan yg PERTAMA tuu slalunya betol)


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